My Approach 

I provide both short-term and longer-term therapy options for clients.  

My main aim is to help you to make sense of whatever is going on for you.  I will listen carefully to what you say, empathise with how you feel and enable you to take what action you decide on so that you can achieve what you want to and take what you need from therapy.  

The relationship

I believe that the relationship between therapist and client is central to the healing process.  It is therefore important for you to find a therapist who is a good fit for you.  When you are ready and you have decided to use therapy you can contact me via the contact page  to book an initial free telephone appointment.  I offer this initial appointment free of charge so that we can meet each other.  I can find out more about what brings you to therapy and whether I feel I can help you and there will be time for you to ask me any questions you may have and to decide whether you feel that I might be the right therapist for you.  There will be no pressure to continue with therapy if it doesn't feel right for you.  

My experience

My training in integrative psychotherapy means that I can draw from a wide range of theories, including person centred, cognitive behavioural therapy (cbt), psychodynamic, solution-focused brief therapy and compassion-focused therapy to support your needs. I view emotional distress as a normal response to life circumstances and I will suggest different techniques according to your unique experience.  For example, if you want help to stop your panic attacks I will suggest some cbt options for you to try;  whereas if you want to process some childhood trauma I will talk to you about the possibility of some inner child work.  

We will work together and I will always ensure that you are comfortable with the approach we take.  I have experience of working with mental health problems right across the spectrum from temporary anxieties due to set-backs to more deep-seated difficulties such as depression, dissociation and complex grief. Clients who have experienced childhood trauma and those who have experienced abuse have benefitted from my professional support;  as have clients who experience suicidal thoughts, post-traumatic stress, ocd, family estrangement, relationship problems, divorce, grief, loss and bereavement, health issues, work related issues, bullying, loneliness, low self-esteem, stress, depression/low mood, anxiety and panic attacks.     

British Association for Counselling and Pychotherapy

I am fully insured and a registered member of The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) which is a professional body that sets standards for therapeutic practice and provides information for therapists, clients of therapy and the general public. As such I adhere to their professional code of ethics which you can access by clicking the button below.

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